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inflammation Tag

Anxiety is familiar to all of us. We all have experienced it at some point in time.  For me I still remember the level of anxiety that struck me when it was the first day of my teaching career 25 years ago! The first few minutes were nerve racking but then gradually it got better! However,

In my previous blog, I talked about Inflammation (A silent Killer!) Inflammation is your body’s natural defence mechanism. However, when inflammation turns chronic, it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation overwhelms your immune system and may lead to chronic pain and many other health issues. Inflammatory foods are major culprits in the development of pain in many

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and many other conditions. A sudden rise in auto-immune conditions and pain of idiopathic origin also raises serious red flags. What exactly is Inflammation? Heart disease, arthritis (and any -itis), Colitis, Sinusitis, dermatitis, autoimmune diseases,

Back problems are not very easy to understand! To be pain-free, you need to learn how to reach the root cause and work on the source of your problem. All that is needed is an integrated approach that will quickly alleviate any current discomfort and give you all the expert instructions you need in terms of

For years, fats have been considered the culprit behind heart disease! After World War II, large studies established links between saturated fat and heart disease. Most dietary experts advised people to reduce their fat intake, not only because of the heart connection, but also because fat has more calories per gram than proteins or carbs

Did you know? You are not just what you eat but also what you digest! Agni (The Power of Digestion & Transformation) is the very source of life! In fact, you are as healthy as your Agni! Ayurveda sees impaired Agni (weak digestion) at the root of every imbalance and disease. Without proper digestion you can’t get the